10 November 2019 // 11.00 to 13.30 o’clock
Sunday matinee and film talk at CAPITOL KINO Witzenhausen with Anne Löper (Sandpainting) & Mark Michel (director)
International Disability Film Festival Assim Vivemos Brazil 2019 – October, November and Dezember in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Brasília
One of the most traditional disability film festivals worldwide, Brazil’s International Disability Film Festival – Assim Vivemos is a biennial event that takes place in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Brasília, with two full weeks of screenings in each city, always providing all accessibilities: audio-description, sign language in the panels, and subtitles in the films. Known as the pioneer event in Brazil offering audio-description in all sessions, our festival strongly mobilizes the community of people with disability as well as schools and college students, and professionals related to accessibility, inclusion and other issues of people with disability.
Sunday, 20th Oktober // 2pm Cineplex Meitingen
Presented by the First Mayor of Meitingen, Dr. Michael Higl, and the protagonists Veronika Raila and Petronilla Raila. Film with audio description and subtitles for the deaf with Greta & Starks App. The conversation will be accompanied by a sign language interpreter.
An event of the Inklusionsbüro Meitingen.
Admission: 13:30 hrs.
17. Oktober 2019 // 19:30 bis 21:30
Programmkino Ost // Schandauer Straße 73 // Dresden
mit: Gesine Wegner // Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der TU Dresden
Wolfgang Janßen // Initiator von Rollenfang, einer Plattform für Inklusion in Film und Fernsehen
Wednesday, September 25th, 7 pm. Gemeindehaus Altdorf (near Nuremberg). Organizer: Representative for the disabled of the city and the district Ulrich Reuter, AK Mobil mit Handicap, Evang. church congregation, Leibniz-Gymnasium, FÖZ kmE Wichernhaus. Afterwards the organizers invite to a discussion with Veronika and Petra Raila.
Veronika Raila has lived with Asperger syndrome and physical disabilities since her childhood, using assisted communication to express her thoughts. In Sandgirl, the young author invites you on a subtle and poetic journey inside the secret, captivating creative world of her heightened imagination, expressed through beautiful sand art work and animation. Weaved throughout the film is Raila’s shared communication with director and fellow screenwriter Mark Michel, illustrating the love, care and trust shared between Raila and her family, and giving the audience a rare glimpse of her inner world and thoughts.
This film is open captioned and has audio description.
9.May. – 20.00 Uhr CINEDING Leipzig
afterwards conversation with Mark Michel (director)
on the occasion of the European Day of Protest on Equality for People with Disabilities – audio description for the visually impaired and subtitles for the deaf available via Greta & Starks App
Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival – Monday, 6.May- 1pm
CCA: Centre for Contemporary Arts
350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JD
Sunday, 5 May 2019, 17:00 Kinobar Prager Frühling
afterwards conversation with Mark Michel (director)
On the occasion of the European Day of Protest on Equality for People with Disabilities
Audio description for the visually impaired and subtitles for the deaf available via Greta & Starks App.